Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Effects of the Internet on YOUR Mind?

What about you? As a college student, or someone just getting out into the real world, trying to find a job? How much do you see yourself connected to the Internet? Personally, I recently deleted my Facebook account; Why? I'm not really sure. I do know that I felt a little overwhelmed and needed to delete some form of myself off of the Internet.

Like I said, I removed myself from Facebook as one small step. I think that I could take a step back from technology, but with school and that being the main form of communication, and since I need a job, it is very doubtful that I will be off of technology anytime soon. For myself, I have noticed that it is harder for me to go to sleep at night; I find myself laying down and getting back up to check my email, grade, asUlearn. But that's me. What about you?

Do you think you have become too involved on the Internet? To the point where there is no return? Could you completely remove yourself from the web? Have you found yourself or your mind altered because of technology?

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if I would say that I am "too involved" in the internet. I'm not one of those people who has to be on the internet every single day, but I usually am through necessity. As time as gone by I have started to use Facebook less and less. Now I'm usually just scrolling the through the news feed when I'm bored, but rarely posting anything of my own. But I can't deny that the internet provides me with information and entertainment that I would definitely miss if I had to go without. By the way, I really enjoyed your blog!!!

