Monday, March 25, 2013

Art That Inspires Art

I am an artist and I appreciate all forms of art, especially paintings. Van Gogh is one of my favorite artists of all time. Starry Night is one of my favorite paintings, ever. I have never done my own version, but many others have. Here are some of the neat versions that I found ON THE INTERNET. 

This is done out of coiled pieces of paper, not even paint. So clearly this is very different from Van Gogh's original Starry Night. 

This is absolutely amazing! A cake inspired by Van Gogh. I want this cake! Using frosting to make an old masterpiece and NEW masterpiece of its own. 

Jean-Michel Basquiat is one of the most popular artists of the 1980s. He worked with Andy Warhol and many other artists. He used many previous works of art from the Renaissance and other eras to inspire his art. Clearly his art was nothing like those types of work, however, he used them to make his own version. 

This is a piece clearly inspired by Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa. Yet it is so different. Basquiat took what he got out of this painting and made it into his own creation. 

These are just a few of the millions of pieces of work that has been inspired by legendary artists of the past. So the argument continues. Is this wrong? Should they be allowed to use other's work to inspire something new that they have created? I admire all artists and would clearly give them credit for any inspiration I used from them. 


  1. The personal story you used in this post ties nicely into your "Creativity of the Internet" post. I really like how you used a clear example of how people build off original ideas, and yet still make them their own. Copyright laws are limiting our ability to build off the foundation others lay for us. Ultimately, suffocating our remix culture.

  2. This is so, so cool. I am glad that you found this and showed them to us. I love how the internet has expanded our creativity and given us a medium to find creativity easily. Good insights in the blog throughout. I especially liked your opinions on Facebook. I am thinking about spending the whole summer with out it after reading about your experiences. Perhaps the summer with out it will help me realize I can live with out in normally too. Thanks.

